
Cornerstone Institute

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 7 months ago


Mission Statement

The Cornerstone Institute offers multidisciplinary professional training in community-based theater using Cornerstone Theater Company’s unique collaborative methodology.


Institute participants include individuals interested in the intersection of theater and community. Participants learn through both intensive training and the hands-on creation of community-specific productions, which combine their own artistry with that of experienced professionals and community collaborators.


Cornerstone Institute currently offers two programs:


The Cornerstone Institute Summer Residency Program offers a unique, hands-on collaborative experience creating theater and exploring strategies for community engagement while living with and within a small, diverse community. Students learn both through classroom training and hands-on creation of community-specific productions, which combine their own artistry with that of experienced professionals and community collaborators. Classroom training and production experience will combine to provide a thorough understanding of the community collaboration process, from beginning to end. Harkening back to our “rural years” when Cornerstone conducted residencies in small towns across America, the Cornerstone Institute Summer Residency program primarily occurs in small agricultural towns in California.



The Cornerstone Institute 2-Day Intensive is designed to reach individuals, organizations and institutions who cannot commit to a longer residency, by offering a weekend or 2-day program of workshops and discussions that condenses content from the Summer Residency curriculum.The 2-day Intensive is currently available for booking. For more information, contact Paula Donnelly, Institute Director at  institute@cornerstonetheater.org This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it or 213-613-1700 ext.34.


 Read about Past and Future Institutes:


I1 - Lost Hills, CA

I2 - Grayson, CA

I3 - San Francisco, CA

I4 - Holtville, CA

I5 - ?

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